Could this life cover policy from just $2.09 a day be right for you?

If you’re considering taking out life insurance, but the high premiums have put you off, there is a solution -- and it’s surprisingly affordable.

Our specialists at Compare Club have found a life insurance policy that can protect you and your loved ones' finances in a worst case scenario from just $2.09 a day.

That's great value, even if you’ve never held life cover before.

Life cover can cost less than you think: If you know where to look, the cheapest policies start from just $2.09 a day.

Even if you’re looking for something extra, Compare Club's experts can help. 

  • We were surprised too when our specialists quoted us just $2.09 a day based on a 45-year-old non-smoking female with no pre-existing conditions who wants $2 million of cover.

  • Our team knows life cover inside out: they’ll take time to get to know your medical history, occupation, and other details that can keep your premiums low, such as whether or not you smoke.

  • Tell us how much you think you’ll need. When you’re deciding on an amount, people generally think about their biggest expenses, such as your mortgage, credit cards, or school fees.

What if you already have life cover? 

We can help you find a policy that meets your needs while trimming the fat. 

  • Some policies get more expensive as you get older. If you’re struggling to justify your premiums, it could be time to see if there’s a cheaper policy.

  • Insurers often release new policies and pricing. If you got a policy years ago, there’s a reasonable chance you may be able to cut your costs.

  • Circumstances changed as you’ve gotten older? If you’ve bought a house or have a health issue, such as sleep apnea or diabetes, you may want to consider updating your life insurance.

The information contained on this web page is of general nature only and has been prepared without taking into consideration your objectives, needs and financial situation. As such, it is important that you consider the appropriateness of the advice and the relevant product disclosure statement (PDS) before proceeding. Any opinions expressed within an article are those of the author and do not specifically reflect the views of Compare Club Australia Pty Ltd. 

by Compare Club

Last update 10 Feb 2025 

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The bottom line: Compare Club’s specialists could save you hundreds of dollars in premiums.  

They have years of experience in the life insurance industry and compare policies from ten of Australia’s leading insurers.

Looking for a cheaper life insurance policy but don't know where to start?

Our specialists at Compare Club can help you find coverage from just $2.09 a day.

Why invest in Life Insurance?

Protect your loved ones

Safeguard your families financial future by covering costs, such as those during a time of an unexpected loss.  

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Compare Club Australia Pty Ltd (CCA) is a corporate authorised representative (AFS Representative number 001279036) of Alternative Media Pty Ltd (AFS License number 486326). Please see our FSG

Compare Club does not compare all products in the market. The availability of products compared may change from time to time. Not all products available from our partners are compared and not all products are available to all customers.

CCA is a credit rep (Credit Representative Number 519886) of Alternative Media Pty Ltd (ACL Number 486326). The financial products compared on this website do not necessarily compare all features that may be relevant to you. Comparisons are made on the basis of price only and different products may have different features and different levels of coverage.

Information found on the CompareClub website is for general purposes only. While we endeavour to provide information that is accurate and up to date, we make no warranties or representations about the accuracy, completeness, reliability or suitability of the information, graphics, products or services offered or contained on the website. Therefore, any reliance placed on the information provided on the CompareClub website is at the user's own risk. When reviewing offers from external websites or companies, please review their terms and conditions. We have no control over these companies, their offers, website content, products/services, or the availability and nature of their products/services. Links found on the CompareClub website do not necessarily imply an endorsement or recommendation of the information or views that are expressed by the external party. 

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We do not compare all life insurers or products in the market. Any advice provided in this website is of general nature and does not take into account your needs, objectives or financial situation. You should consider the appropriateness of it (and any relevant product) before proceeding, and read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement for the product. For more information about the range of insurers, how Life Insurance Comparison works for you, and how we make our money (keep in mind our quotes are free for you to utilise), click here and take the time to read our FSG. The financial products compared on this website do not necessarily compare all features that may be relevant to you. Comparisons are made on the basis of price only and different products may have different features and different levels of coverage. 

Things you should know

These logos represent some of the brands that we compare, we do not compare all products in the market and that we are not recommending any of the brands displayed: you will need to talk to a financial advisor to identify the best product that suits your needs.

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